New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2008 a pregnant woman who severely injured her baby in utero by driving recklessly was charged with murder when the baby died six-days after being born. After years of court cases, a New York Appeals court ruled that the baby wasn’t a baby–yes, even though it was alive and outside the mother for six days–and the woman cannot be charged with murder.

Seven years ago Jennifer Jorgensen, who was in the third trimester of her pregnancy, swerved her car into oncoming traffic and ran head long into another car. She killed the two people in the other vehicle and was herself seriously injured. Since her baby was in distress from the wreck doctors birthed the child by cesarian section. The baby lived for only six days before succumbing from injuries received in the crash.

Since the child died from its mother’s actions behind the wheel, the state charged Jorgensen with the murder of the child. Prosecutors reasoned that since the child died after it was born alive and since it died from injuries received in the accident, then Jorgensen was guilty of murder.

After several years of court cases, in 2012 Jorgensen was convicted of killing her child and sentenced to nine years in prison. Naturally she appealed the decision with her attorneys offering a two pronged defense. First they say that she never intended to purposefully kill her baby (so premeditated murder is not the case) and secondly according to New York law her baby wasn’t really a “person” so she couldn’t be convicted of killing it. The reasoning on the latter is that the baby was not yet born during the accident so it didn’t matter that it was pulled out of her later and lived six days outside her before its death.
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New York Appeals Court Rules Murderer Not Guilty Because Six-Day-Old Baby ISN’T Really a Person”

Schumer Prepares to Filibuster Trump Supreme Court Pick Gorsuch Proving Crass Politics is all Dems Care About

-By Warner Todd Huston

By all accounts Judge Neil Gorsuch is one of the most qualified Supreme Court nominees for sometime, but despite the fact that he was once confirmed to the bench with glowing accolades even from Democrats, the left-wing party’s “leadership” is preparing to go to war to stop Trump’s first Supreme Court pick from taking his place on the high court. It all just goes to show that Democrats don’t care about right and wrong, don’t care about what is good for the country, and don’t care about custom, history, or propriety. They only care about crass political partisanship.

During this week of Senate hearings Judge Neil Gorsuch has proven to be an extremely well-spoken, thoughtful man who has been able to gently put in their place every Democrat halfwit who thought they were up to the task of torpedoing his chances to be confirmed by embarrassing him or catching him with a gotcha question. With good nature and a wry smile he parried, deflected and demolished with well crafted logic every attempt the liberals made to destroy him.

But it appears that even as the left’s erstwhile desire to find “proof” of his unfitness for the high court has gone unrealized, this is not going to stop them from working to ruin his career, anyway. If their current claims are any indication, the extremists led by partisan mudslinger Chuck Schumer (D, NY) are going to filibuster Gorsuch despite the fact that they have no legal or logical leg upon which to stand.
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Schumer Prepares to Filibuster Trump Supreme Court Pick Gorsuch Proving Crass Politics is all Dems Care About”

Obama’s Newest Racemongering Judge: California’s Edward Chen

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama has gone out of his way to “diversify” the federal bench with his spate of nominations of various minorities chief of which was his successful seating of the “wise Latina,’ Sonia Sotomayor, on the Supreme Court. Obama’s nominees* for 10 district court openings include four African-Americans, three Asian-Americans, one Latino and four women. One of those nominees, San Francisco U.S. Magistrate Judge Edward Chen, received a favorable vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington today.

So what sort of judge is Edward Chen? Well, for one, the left-wing American Bar Association rated Chen a “well qualified” nominee and many of his associates at the ACLU speak highly of him. As an ACLU lawyer, Chen was known for opposing English-only policies and for pushing discriminatory affirmative action ideals. He even came to the aid of gang members in one case. Chen was quite the ACLU activist between 1979 and 2001.

His ACLU history would suffice to make many wary of him, of course. But for a segment of America, working for the ACLU is not a disqualifier. So in order to judge Edward Chen one must look at his past. Discovering what Judge Chen thinks of the country upon which he apparently assumes to sit in judgment is a telling exercise. Sadly, it seems he has quite a low opinion of the nation that he will be serving.
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Obama’s Newest Racemongering Judge: California’s Edward Chen”

Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Only a year into his presidency, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the leftist media have declared President Donald Trump to be the worst president in history. Of course, we all know that Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter (you can add James Buchanan) have already earned that title. Still, though, as the media pounds you every day with its Trump Derangement Syndrome, you may feel a bit depressed as a Trump voter. Well, here are four big reasons why you have been vindicated for voting for Trump and why even if he doesn’t do anything else he is already a great success.

Despite being in office only a year, President Donald J. Trump has had a string of important achievements, but it is the flavor of those successes that is remarkable. Considering that Trump always hovered around the political center — and sometimes the center-left — during his 50 years in the media spotlight, as president he has led a series of quite conservative campaigns. He’s eliminated hundreds of Obama’s destructive regulations, pumped up the economy, effected a directional change to the right in our court system, returned the country to a more U.S. focused foreign policy, and likely swung a tax cut (which appeared to be only days away at the writing of this article).

For conservatives, even if for the next four years Trump decides to just coast on his first year’s achievements, he has already justified his election and earned your vote. But, all signs point to him continuing these campaigns as his presidency rolls onward, so if you are a conservative, you are must realize that you have been vindicated if you voted for the president.

Reason One: Trump the Regulation Cutter

When Barack Obama came to office, he promised to cut regulations. It was one of his first major lies as president. Indeed, the cost of his avalanche of regulations cost the country over $300 billion in just the first two years of his regime. His plans to swamp the nation with regulations was so extreme that in 2012 he refused to even submit his regulatory plans to Congress as is required by law because he knew it would shock the nation. And that was only two years after Obama promised to have the “most ethical administration in history.”
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Feel Good, Conservatives, You Are 100% Vindicated For Voting for Donald Trump”

What Is This ‘Well Regulated Militia’ Business, Anyway?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Question:

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, 1789: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

We talk about the “right of the people” to “bear arms” all the time. But we don’t often talk about the “well regulated militia” part that precedes it. So, what is it about? Is this militia still relevant to us today? Can we just ignore it? If unnecessary, does the lack of a need for the militia make the whole Second Amendment null and void?


Our founders had just fought a war with one of the greatest powers in the world. In the mid 1780s, British forces were considered the best of the best. But our founders hadn’t joined a war with a “foreign power.” They had fought a war with their own government in order to separate from it and start anew. This was because we Americans felt England had violated our very rights as Englishmen.

As our Declaration of Independence notes:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
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What Is This ‘Well Regulated Militia’ Business, Anyway?”

What Is Constitutional Conservatism?

-By Yuval Levin, National Review

(ED: I don’t usually repost an entire article from another site but this article is too important to just excerpt. I apologize to Mr. Levin in advance, but his essay is one of the best definitions of what American conservatism truly is that I’ve seen for a long time. It is also a good explanation on why modern liberalism is as wrong as can be and anti-American to boot. It is a must read for anyone that wants a hint of the character of American conservatism and a good guide on how to think about what conservatives advocate. I just had to post it in it’s entirety, just had to have this chronicled on my site.)

This fall, liberals from the president on down have begun to grasp the scope of the political and intellectual disaster that the past three years have been for the Left. Their various responses to the calamity have tended to have one thing in common: immense frustration. But the different expressions of that frustration have been deeply revealing. They should help Americans better understand this complicated moment in our politics, and, in particular, help conservatives frame their responses.

Liberal frustration has fallen into two general categories that seem at first to flatly contradict each other: denunciations of democracy and appeals to populism. In September, Peter Orszag, President Obama’s former budget director, wrote an essay in The New Republic arguing that “we need less democracy.” To address our country’s daunting problems, Orszag suggested, we need to take some power away from Congress and give it to “automatic policies and depoliticized commissions” that will be shielded from public pressure. “Radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.” Two weeks later, North Carolina’s Democratic governor, Beverly Perdue, made a less sophisticated stab at the same general point, proposing to suspend congressional elections for a few years so members of Congress could make the difficult decisions necessary to get our country out of its deep problems.

Orszag and Perdue both seemed to channel a long and deeply held view of the Left — that the complexity of modern life and the intensity of modern politics should lead us to put more power in the hands of technical experts who have the knowledge to make objective, rational choices on our behalf. Leaving things to the political process will result only in delay and disorder. President Obama has frequently expressed this view himself — wistfully complaining to his aides earlier this year, for instance, that things would sure be easier if he were president of China.
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What Is Constitutional Conservatism?”

You Can’t Say That!

-By Nancy Morgan

It’s now official: The truth shall no longer set you free. In our new era of political correctness, the truth is more liable to get you penalized, demonized or fired. Last week, a female juror in a high-profile American mafia murder trial found this out the hard way.

When asked on a court questionnaire, “Name three people you least admire,” this potential juror answered, “African-Americans, Hispanics and Haitians.” Her answer enraged a federal court judge in New York, who promptly sentenced her to indefinite jury duty, for her “racist” answer. This woman was penalized for being truthful.

Under the guise of being sensitive to “feelings,” political correctness has succeeded in effectively censoring any uncomfortable “truths” that do not comport with liberal orthodoxy.

Censoring inconvenient truths is not a new phenomenon. Starting in 1994, AEI fellow Charles Murray and fellow author Richard Herrnstein came under fire for their best-selling book The Bell Curve, in which they wrote about differences in race and intelligence and discussed implications of that difference.
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You Can’t Say That!”